Are you interested in donating to SWE? Great! Below is a list of tiers, events you can sponsor, and how to donate!
White Tier - $1-$499 : Thank you Acknowledgement Callout
Grey Tier - $500-$999 : Thank you Acknowledgment Callout, and Social Media Splash Photo
Purple Tier - $1,000-$1,999 : Thank you Acknowledgment Callout, Social Media Splash Photo, and Branded Event
Gold Tier - $2,000 + : Thank you Acknowledgment Callout, Social Media Splash Photo, Branded Event, and General Meeting Feature
Purple and Gold sponsors can choose one of the following events for event branding:
Junior/Senior Scholarship
First-year/Sophomore Scholarship
Girl Scout Event
Certificate of Merit
Tie Dye Networking Event
SWEekend Getaway
Pottery Social Event
Fall Banquet
Spring Banquet
National Conference Attendance
Ways to Donate:
Send check made out to Michigan Technological University with completed form
Pay by credit card on the Michigan Technological Give Now website, select “give to a department, program, or area” and designate fund #2996 SWE in the special instructions forms
Please return this completed form for either payment by:
Mail: Society of Women Engineers - Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Drive, MUB 106
Houghton Mi, 49931-1295
Thank you so much for your support! All the events we host as a section (social events, outreach to local schools, networking, etc.) would not be possible without your generosity. We look forward to working with you during the upcoming year.
Please email any questions to